The Other - Lauv

Like a spotlight the water hits me / 水像聚光燈般準確的擊中我

Ran it extra cold to shake the words from my mouth / 加速奔跑想甩開我口中的話語

Though I know that no one's listening / 雖然我知道不會有人聽見

I nervously rehearse for when you're around / 當你在附近時我緊張的預演著

And I keep waiting like you might change mymind / 而我一直執著等待著你能改變我的心意

Who wrote the book on goodbye? / 誰在「道別」上多做文章?

There's never been a way to make this easy / 沒有任何方式能輕鬆道別

When there's nothing quite wrong but it don't feel right / 雖然沒有做錯任何事但感覺就是錯誤

Either your head or your heart, you set the other on fire / 無論是你的腦海還是你的內心,你都置其中一方於水深火熱中

Back and forth now I'm feelin' guilty / 現在的猶豫不決讓我感到內疚不已

Cause I just can't stop this pendulum in myhead / 因爲我就是無法停止腦海中的搖擺不定

Though I know that our time is ending / 儘管我知道我們在一起的時間已所剩不多

I'd rather lay forever right in this bed / 我寧願永遠躺在床上

And I keep waiting like, you might change my mind / 而我仍舊等待著你會改變我的想法

Give me one more night / 再多給我一個夜晚

Who wrote the book on goodbye? / 誰在「道別」上多做文章?

There's never been a way to make this easy / 沒有任何方式能輕鬆道別

When there's nothing quite wrong but it don't feel right / 雖然沒有做錯任何事但感覺就是錯誤

Either your head or your heart, you set the other on fire / 無論是你的腦海還是你的內心,你都置其中一方於水深火熱中

No one knows / 無人知曉

We fell from the peak / 我們從高峰墜落

And the stars, they broke their code / 而那些星星打破了密碼

I'm trying to forget / 我試著去忘記

How I landed on this road / 我是如何著陸於這條道路上

I'm caught in between / 我進退兩難

What I wish and what I know / 我所期望的和我所知道的

When they say that you just know / 他們說我了解一切 

They say don't look back, but sometimes it's important to see how far you've come.
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